Greeters / Ushers
The most important role that the greeter / usher serves is that of hospitality. The greeter / usher is often the first person that worshipers meet when they arrive at church. The greeter / usher has the opportunity and the responsibility to represent the rest of the parish in offering hospitality. People’s impression of a parish is significantly shaped by the presence or absence of a welcoming atmosphere where they come to mass. A person who feels welcomed and valued is much more likely to enter wholeheartedly into the celebration of the liturgy, giving thanks to God for the love that God pours out on us. In addition, greeter / ushers assist with the offertory collection and with the care of the assembly during mass, including finding seats, assisting with the communion procession (when needed), being able to respond to a variety of emergencies, and handing our bulletins and worship aids if needed. Women, men and families are encouraged and welcome to participate in this important ministry.
Please contact Deacon Steven Gies at 330-296-6967 or email him at